Nike Site BD-50

Barksdale Defense Area Site BD-50, Stonewall, Louisiana
(32-18-08 N latitude, 93-47-03 W longitude) BD-50C
(32-17-37 N latitude, 93-47-16 W longitude) BD-50L
This complex is located to the southwest of Barksdale AFB, northeast of Stonewall. It is also composed of two separate parcels of land (personal visit, 1995). This installation was built to protect SAC operations at Barksdale. It was used by Nike Hercules units from November 1961 to March 1966, the same time frame as site BD-10 (Morgan & Berhow, 1996). Louisiana State University uses the former control site (BD-50C) for animal research; I believe they also own the launcher site (BD-50L) although it is unmarked and appears abandoned when viewed from the road. To find this site, take Hwy 171 south from Shreveport to the town of Stonewall. At Stonewall, drive east on Stonewall-Frierson Road. Turn left on Missile Base Road. The road will turn to the right then back to the left; at that point glance to your right to see the launcher area. Continue on Missile Base Road through a right turn to the launcher site entrance. At this point the road turns left and the name changes to Keithville Kingston Road. Follow it north about ? mile, and you will find the control site on your left (Personal visit, 1996). 
